Planning a masculine home

Planning a masculine home

How to Choose the Right Blinds for Windows and Glass Doors

Felicia Carr

Blinds are a great choice of window dressing for any window or glass door of the home, as blinds are compact and won't billow into foot traffic, or get in the way of nearby furniture. Blinds may also give you more control over the sunlight you get into a space, as you can close them just slightly when you need some shade, whereas curtains need to be closed entirely to block out any sunlight. Since there may be more choices on the market for blinds than you expect, note a few simple but very important tips for choosing the right material and style, whether that's for windows or glass doors.

Vertical versus horizontal 

Vertical blinds are often chosen for larger doors and for a long wall of windows, as those blinds become very thick when opened, or stacked. Opting for horizontal blinds for doors and large windows can mean a stack that is very thick at the top of the door or window, so that the view is obstructed and the blinds then look clumsy and unsightly.  


When you choose horizontal blinds, consider how they close, as you can get what are called top-down, bottom-up blinds. These run along a track inside the window frame so that you can actually pull the top of the blinds down, or pull the bottom of them up. This offers maximum control over sunlight and interior privacy. Since these types of blinds typically open with tabs at the top and bottom, or with a motorized track and remote control, this also eliminates the need for dangling cords that can easily break, or that are a hazard for pets and children.

Cloth versus metal

Metal blinds are very easy to clean and can be the best choice if you have children or pets who might press up against the blinds and get them dirty. Metal blinds are also good for a modern and clean look in the home.

However, metal can also look very industrial and impersonal. Fabric blinds add softness to a space and also help to insulate noise; they also make less noise when they move, so you don't need to worry about an annoying tapping or other sound when the doors are opened and closed, or when a window is open and there is a breeze in the home. Choose a neutral fabric that will work well as a backdrop to your home's furniture and accessories when those blinds are closed, and be cautious about bold patterns and colours that can overwhelm a space.


2023© Planning a masculine home
About Me
Planning a masculine home

I have just got divorced and I'm moving into a bachelor pad. I'm not great at interior design or decorating, but I know that I want to have a place that looks cool and modern. My wife took over the decorating of our house together and it always looked like her idea of home with lots of pastel colours and feminine touches and not like mine. I'm eager to start this new stage of my life, and I want to have a stylish home as a base. This blog has tips for other newly single men to get their home looking suitable cool.